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2 Year olds

Rivers Edge SM Sassafras

Registration: ADGA

Born : 03/07/22


Sire: Lil Miss B Haven Smokin Mirrors *B (AI) VEE89

Sire's Sire: TX Twin Creeks RM Watermark +B (Castle Rock Rainmaker ++*B X TX Twin Creeks PKM Brownbetty)

Sire's Dam: SGCH Wood Bridge Farm Hocus Pocus 2*M ( Old Montin Farm Cyrus Quinn +*B X GCH Wood Bridge Farm TOO Practicalmagic 1*M)


Dam: Castle Rock Cross My Heart 6*M VVEV86

Dam's Sire: SG Castle Rock Cleavland Sage ++*B*S (Castle Rock Tanzanite *S X SCGH-ARMCH CRF Castle Rock Alum Root 3*D VEEE 91)

Dam's Dam: Aledi Farms S Honey Heart 1*M 5*D VVEV87 (Kaapio Acres KK Sultan X Rosasharn's UTM Tupelo Honey)



2023 Fuzzy Doe Motherlode Show first ring 2nd place, second ring 3rd place

2023 CA State Fair 5th place dry yearling

2023 Motherlode show 6th place dry yearling (class of 25 yearlings)

2023 REDGA show- 8th(ring1), 6th (ring2), 5th (ring4) yearling dry doe (class of 25+ dry yearlings)

2024 SFDGA Gridley show - under Judge Tracy Stampkey 5th place 2 yr old milker


I am very excited to have sassafras in my herd as she comes from exceptional lines and overall is such a beautiful doe! Her sire Smokin Mirrors is the full brother to the 2021 ADGA reserve champion Lil Miss B Haven Always Magical 2*M and half-brother to the 2021 ADGA national Junior reserve champion Lil Miss B Haven WM Azera. his sire watermark also has many champion daughters in different herds. her Dam Cross My Heart is the daughter of Castle Rock Cleavland Sage who was a ELITE ADGA nationals for two years in a row. sassy's udder while some what small has great attachments and has great udder texture, very buttery soft. she milks out like a dream.

Quaking Canopy Joie De Vivre

Registration: ADGA

Born: 06/01/22


Sire: Castle Rock Fire King *B  V+E86

Sires Sire: Castle Rock Sugar Daddy (CRF Castle rock Guy Noir ++*B X GCH Castle Rock Sweet Heart +EVV 88)

Sires Dam: SGCH Castle Rock WildFire VEEE90 (Castle Rock Cyclone X  GCH CRF Castle Rock Tuscan Sun VEEE)


Dam: Quaking canopy Savoir Faire +VEV85

Dams Sire: Urban Acres Haulin' Ace *B +EE87 ( Urban Acres ASD Ace +V+84  X SGCH Urban Acres Rainy Day VEEE90)

Dams Dam: SG Quaking Canopy Olly Olly AR 4*M VVEE90 ELITE 2019-2023 (Camanna RM Moonlight Victory V++84  X SG Castle Rock Saragosa 3*M  EEEE91)



2024 SFDGA Gridley Show under Judge Ben Rupchis 5th place 2 yr old milker, under Judge Tracy Stampkey 7th place 2 yr old milker


super excited to have this lovely almost 2yr old doe join the herd! cant wait to see what she brings in for the herd!

posed photo to come once the rain stops here


Hylakes Eye Candy
Registration: ADGA
Born: 12//15/22
Sire: Owlhaven P Alexander *B VVV87 **DNA**
Sire's Sire: Cedar View Placido *B V++ 85 **DNA** (Little Tots Estate Cloudancing +*B VEV88 X SGCH Cedar View Isabella 4*M 4-02 91 EEEE - ELITE DOE 2016 (98%), 2017 (98%), 2018 (99%), 2019 (99%), 2020 (99%), ADGA Top Ten Breed Leader 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
Sires Dam: SG AGS Proctor Hill Farm Pistol Annie 2*M ST2016 EEEV **DNA** ( SG AGS Sugar Creek's SS Sharp Shooter *B X SGCH AGS Spring Fever Calista 1*M  VEEE90)

Dam Goat Addiction Sun Goddess
Dam's Sire: Old Mountain Farm Swift Elk ++V86 (CH CU At Lil' Red Barn Speedy +VE84 X  SGCH Old Mountain Farm Shy Elk 2*M EEEE92 2022 ADGA National 1st place Aged Doe 9yr old)
Dam's Dam: GCH CRF Castle Rock Sun Saphire 2*M AR2011 VVEV88 ( CRF Castle Rock Cobalt X TX Twincreeks WDF Sunsprite 1*M VVVV87)

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